Spray catheters for endoscopy - instruments for convenient administration of medications, anesthetics, and coloring agents

Injection of medicines, antiseptic solutions or dyes directly into the affected area is a manipulation without which modern endoscopic examination and treatment is impossible. This technique allows improving visualization, stopping bleeding, and performing local anesthesia at the surgical site.
Often, pathological areas are covered with discharge, blood, or other formations, and it is the lavage that helps the doctor to clean the surgical field. Irrigation with an antiseptic solution also prevents inflammation and infectious complications.
Spray catheter for endoscopy is an instrument consisting of a tube through which fluid is delivered and a spray head. The solution can be released in one direction (jet) or in all directions (uniform irrigation of the organ). There is also a reverse spray catheter. When it is used, the fluid is fed in the direction opposite to the endoscope.
The main areas of use of spray catheter:
- Rinsing of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small and large intestine, bronchi with saline solution to improve the view.
- Administration of antiseptics and antibiotics, local anesthetics.
- Prevention and control of bleeding (local hemostatic therapy).
- Chromoscopy with dyes - indigo carmine, congo red, phenol.
Chromoscopy is a method of injecting coloring agents, after which pathologically altered areas become more contrasting. It is indispensable for the visualization of tumors in organs with a relief surface (esophagus, stomach), as synthetic dyes accumulate in the recesses.
Alton Medical offers various types of reusable spray catheters for endoscopy, suitable for both flushing and staining of tissues. They can be used during esophagogastroduodenoscopy, entero colonoscopy, and bronchial tree examination.
Disposable spray catheters - reducing the risk of cross-infection of patients

Although reusable instruments have certain advantages (the possibility of long-term use, reduced cost of instruments), the high risk of infecting patients with bacteria and viruses remains a significant disadvantage.
Disposable Spray Catheters are completely safe in this regard, as iatrogenic (caused by medical manipulation) infection is impossible when using such instruments. This factor is often the main reason why patients prefer a particular medical facility.
The disposable endoscopic catheter for spray has its own sterile packaging and can be used immediately, it does not require additional disinfection and sterilization. It also reduces the workload of autoclaves and electricity consumption in the medical facility.
An additional advantage of disposable endoscopic instruments is that they are not affected by physical factors (pressure, steam, high temperature) and the quality of the equipment does not suffer. After use, such instruments must be disposed of.