ПОВЕРНЕННЮ підлягає продукція: 

  • sent to Alton Ukraine within 14 calendar days from the date of shipment 
  • with intact original sterile packaging 

Important - Alton Ukraine products are shipped at the customer's expense.

ОБМІНУ підлягає продукція: 

  • the term of sterilization indicated on the package does NOT exceed the date of return
  • with intact original sterile packaging 

The following products are subject to REPAIR: 

  • only if it is a reusable tool
  • disposable products are not subject to repair

Sending for repairs and complaints
In the interests of our employees, only sterilized or disinfected instruments can be accepted as returns. They should be marked as such; otherwise they cannot be accepted for repair.

In the presence of internal damage to the packaging upon receipt of the product, you should: 

  • take a picture of the damaged packaging
  • inform the representative about the detected damage
  • return damaged products if necessary
  • to receive replacement of similar products with integral packing