Cytology brush - a useful tool for obtaining a sample of cells during the examination

Disposable cytology Straight type brush

During an endoscopic examination, inspection alone is not enough. Some areas may look suspicious, but it is often difficult to distinguish ulceration or dysplasia of the mucous membrane from atypical cell transformation. To establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to perform a cytological examination of the tissues. This is exactly what endoscopic cytology brushes are for.

This is a tool that complements any modern endoscope, and it is in the arsenal of every doctor who diagnoses background, precancerous diseases, and malignant tumors - surgeons and oncologists.

The cytology brushes for endoscopy consist of a handle, a tube, and a working part covered with fine bristles. The bristle material provides the bristles with optimum stiffness and flexibility so that material can be extracted not only from the delicate mucous membrane but also from denser areas, without damaging the organs themselves.

The main indications for the use of cytology brushes:

  • Collection of material during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
  • Obtaining a cell sample during bronchoscopy in case of suspected malignant tissue transformation.
  • Scraping from the gastric mucosa during gastroscopy.
  • Taking a sample for cytological examination during colonoscopy.

Reusable cytology brush - features of the structure, possibility of sterilization

Reusable cytology brush Alton Medical

A reusable cytology brush has a metal part and synthetic bristles. These materials ensure that the quality of the instrument is maintained in contact with biological fluids (blood, secretions, hydrochloric acid, etc). In addition, such brushes can be soaked in disinfectant solutions and disinfected at high temperatures.

Reusable endoscopic cytology brush Alton Medical retains its quality and properties (flexibility and optimal stiffness) even after numerous autoclave sterilization procedures. This allows the doctor to use such endoscopic instruments for a long time.

Some endoscopic brushes are equipped with a metal ball at the end. This provides the equipment with the following advantages:

  • Atraumatic. The ball softens the contact of the mucous membranes with the instrument and protects them from damage.
  • X-ray contrast. Sometimes scrapings from organs are performed under fluoroscopy control, and it is important for the doctor to visualize the exact location of the endoscopic cytology brush.

Not only the ball but also the entire metal part of the instrument can be radiopaque.

Cytology brushes Alton Medical are compatible with most modern flexible endoscopes and allow you to obtain the necessary biological material during any examination without injuring the mucous membranes or organ walls. It is a safe tool that helps to establish the correct diagnosis without harming the body.

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